

François Roche (*1961)
Gilles Desèvedavy (*1963)
Stéphanie Lavaux (*1966)
François Perrin (*1968)



The architectural style of Roche, DSV & Sie.P participates in its environment via a dual property of mimesis and recycling, as well as extraction and transformation; it evolves within a critical experiment that transforms contextual parameters (The Maïdo, Reunion Island; Soweto Memorial Museum; Acqua Alta in Venice). "Faire avec pour en faire moins" ("Making do, to make more of less") testifies to a refusal to call on an "additive" style of architecture. Their entire approach strives to break down the antinomies of object/subject or architecture/territory to address the transitivity issue of "how to transmute the territory's modal emerging features, the affects of organisms, and social or cultural crossbreeding into architecture?" Ñ Architecture here seeks to be "deceptive" and develops the dynamics of connectivity or individual and social exchanges rather than behaving in a self-centred solipsistic fashion. Architecture has become a mutant, affected by the multiplicity of "others", including such factors as a territory's climatic map, native materials, and its historical and human context Ñ the object is to produce "an original not a carbon copy." (loosely translated from G. Deleuze). Roche, DSV & Sie.P are currently producing numerically-designed scenographies, calling on virtual headphones, for use in the Public Data Library at the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris.
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Roche, DSV & Sie.P (François Roche, Gilles Desévédavy, Stéphanie Lavaux, François Perrin)

For some years now, Roche, DSV & Sie.P have been pursuing their research into an almost negative definition of architectural identity. "Making with to do less" is the way they put it. Over and above any presupposition about form and function, architecture should be defined by a set of relations, not only to do with its contextual incorporation, but also with a social pragmatics in which it must regain a factual value. Many projects seem akin to installation-architecture of the moment contrasting with the traditional architectures of inclusion and permanence. Roche, DSV & Sie.P often contrasts modern, functional form with a parasitic form, a non-form which seems made of humble materials - a temporary form stemming from an assemblage, vestige of an immediately readable human praxis. The reference to nomadism, factual constructions, shanty-towns, and favelas refers to a culture of recycling, displacement, and makeshift assemblages, where architecture is defined as something empirically close to use and function. What Roche, DSV & Sie.P proposes often clashes with a context, be it urban and well thought out, or even natural, with its flipside, a negative part which has to be reactivated in order to make architecture dynamic. Whence the Memorial Museum project in Soweto, and the Sainte-Rose project or the Maïdo project, on the island of Reunion, whose identity seems vague, to the point of becoming altogether virtual with the invisible bloc and the rectangular section which creates the artificial clearing of the Reunion Regional Contemporary Art Collection [FRAC], by redistributing the functional premises at the edge of the forest. The architecture of Roche, DSV & Sie.P is an architecture of dérive (drift). It shrinks from any constructional positivism. It raises issues to do with means, techniques, and the language of a type of engineering which seems to have completely frozen the role of project management. Here the architect regains a primary role. He assembles, gives cohesion, reveals, and accomplishes a demand which is capable of redefining and recontextualizing. The architecture of Roche, DSV & Sie.P thus aims to participate in its own environment in a twofold movement of mimesis as an inventive method, and recycling, extraction and transformation. It does not rise up on a piece of ground, but within a critical experiment which introduces a change of contextual parameters. A critical experiment that Roche, DSV & Sie.P is currently undertaking with new technologies (morphing), in order to remain open to areas of investigation likely to introduce new parameters and prompt "scenarios of distortion, substitution, hybridization, cloning, grafting, and scarification". We thus have Acqua Alta, the Venetian project which aims to "capitalize on the lagoon identity" and which sets forth processes of "sedimentation and hybridization" where "functions occur in many different string-like intersections, like a PVC medusa sweeper, with murky, dense transparency" (F. Roche).

Acqua Alta, Cultural and educational centre, Venice School of Architecture, Venice, Italy - 1998 -Project

Situated behind the outlets of the Lido, Malamocco and Chiogga, at a point where fluvial currents and marine currents meet, Venice identifies with its lagoon. Here, water is both what prompts curiosity and in the same breath announces loss. This is not a project to do with depollution, which might tend to idealize and clean the canals of their impurities represented by rotting algae, but one which capitalizes on the lagoon-linked identity of the place. Quite to the contrary, water is sucked into it complete with its smell and its residue, like a matricial body. This project involves processes of sedimentation and hybridization: at once cloned on the sheath of old industrial buildings, but also laden with physicality, with the raw materials of this city, with water and algae whose ubiquity, undulating motion, matter and colour ranging from chlorophyll green to the brownish green of decomposition are at once the referential backdrop and the overall medium.

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Memorial Museum, Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa - 1997

The Soweto thoroughfare, which is a whole lot more than an axis running through the township, was the route of the children's march in 1976, bloodied by the death of one of the children, Hector Peterson, who was buried on the spot, at the site symbolically chosen for the Memorial Museum. So that research into events linked with the ANC can be undertaken at the actual place where they unfolded, the township archives have been incorporated within the Memorial Museum plan. Using this type of construction, the aim was thus to offer the land and the subsoil beneath it to the mining population whose sole task was to dig up the ore (gold). By opting to make use of the nature already present on the site, and to retain its stripped aspect opposite the tombstone, Roche, DSV & Sie.P came up with a buried project from which there emerged, amid the bush, transparent volumes of glass which convey the depth of a stratum that makes light of the relief, and houses the archives, lecture halls and exhibition rooms, all on just one level.

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Harbour and Development over 3 km, Sainte-Rose, Reunion Island, France - 1998 - project

The marine de Sainte Rose used to be a port brimming with coffee, rice, grain, sugar and tapioca all stored in warehouses, massive, sober structures made of basalt, built to handle a climate marked by clement weather mischievously alternating with the violence of hurricanes. The terrestrial, cyclopic dimension of this island, made up of recent flows of jagged lava, crags dripping with vegetation, a potent climate, and the apparently one-hued aspect of the "geological" strata - blue, black, green - are all like so many factors which lie at the root of the hypotheses underpinning this project for a building which is akin to an extrusion of basaltic material in lava rocks. A building project upon which Roche, DSV & Sie.P are proposing to fix and embed the development of the shore, so as to avoid separating and also breaking up the activities intentionally developing a dynamic of linkages and exchanges.

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R. DSV & Sie. P
François Roche (1961)

1987 - Diplômé de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Versailles ;
Installation d'une première structure.
1989 - Album de la Jeune Architecture.
1994 - Prix de la Villa Médicis (Hors les murs)

Gilles Desèvedavy (1963)
1993 - Diplômé de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-Villemin.
1986 - Lauréat de la Bourse MIQCP.

Stéphanie Lavaux (1966)
1990 - Diplômée de l'ENS des Beaux-Arts de Paris.
François Perrin (1968)
1993 - Diplômé de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-La Seine.
1998 - Lauréat de la Bourse Electra.

Principaux projets et réalisations
1999 - " Les Mots " BPI, Centre Georges Pompidou ; " Polder " Rotterdam.
1998 - "Acqua Alta" Ecole d'Architecture de Venise ; "Sainte-Rose" (projet).
port de pêche, Ile de la Réunion (projet).
1997 - "Musée-Mémorial" Soweto, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud (projet) ;
"Baïse" Vianne (projet).
1995 - "Maïdo" Ile de la Réunion (projet).
1994 - Piscine Deligny, Paris (projet) ; Immeuble 48, Sarcelles, France (projet).
1992 - "Ecole Supérieure d'Art du Fresnoy" Tourcoing (concours).
1991 - Aménagement de bord de mer, Trébeurdun (projet).
1990 - La Maison du Japon, Paris (concours).

Expositions récentes :
1998 - "Mutations @morphes" FRAC Centre, Orléans ; "La Table" Galerie Air de Paris ; "Trans-Architecture 03" Berlin, Rotterdam ; "Paysage Sud" 45, rue de Belleville, Paris ; "Urbanismes" Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Nîmes.
1997 - "36 modèles pour une maison" Arc en rêve, Bordeaux ; "Sous le soleil exactement" Art en thèse, Montpellier ; "Shelter" Kunstnersenter, Trondheim, Norvège ; Collection du FRAC Centre, Orléans.
1996 - "Villette-Amazone" Grande halle de la Villette, Paris ; Mostra d'Architecture de Venise, Pavillon Français ; "Paysage n°5" Le Magasin, Grenoble.
Conférences récentes
1999 - " Mutation 2.0 " Espace Croisé, Lille, France ; " Polder " NAI, Rotterdam.
1998 - " Mutations " USC, Los Angeles, Columbia, New-York ;
"Territoire plié" Ecole d'Architecture de Rouen ; "Tra archittetura arte e paesaggio" Reggio Calabre, Rome ; Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.

Principales publications de R. DSV & Sie. P
1998 - "Mutations @morphes" Edit. HYX / FRAC Centre, "Quelques nouvelles du front" Mini PA, Editions du Pavillon de l'Arsenal ; "Situation" (texte) Quaderns.
1997 - "Paysage sud" Editions FRAC Réunion ; "2G" Matières (éditorial).
1995 - "L'ombre du caméléon" Editions IFA / Karédas.
1993 - "Le 3 mars 1993" Journal, Editions IFA.
1989 - "Album de la Jeune Architecture" Min. de l'Equipement.
Bibliographie sélective
1999 - Parpaing (n°1) "Mutation génétique" ; Beaux-Arts Magazine, "Vous avez dit patrimoine" (tribune).
1998 - Crash (oct) ; Quaderns (n°220) ; Architectural Design, "tracing architecture" ; Quaderns (n°217).
1996 - BLOC, le monolithe fracturé - Catalogue de la Biennale de Venise - ; Art Press (n°213).
1995 - Paysage n°5, Catalogue d'exposition, Grenoble.
1994 - Techniques & Architectures (n°416)
1993 - Quaderns (n°195)
1991 - Catalogue de l'exposition "40 architectes de moins de 40 ans", IFA. ; Architecture d'Aujourd'hui (n°277) ; Architecture Crée (n°245).