Grégoire & Petetin

| Philippe Grégoire (*1963) | Claire Petetin (*1963)


In 1995 Philippe Grégoire & Claire Petetin opened their agency in Paris, and won the "L'Envers des Villes" prize with their study of a portable dwelling for new urban nomads in Berlin ("The Portable House"). Since then, they have had nonstop thoughts about future prospects for cities, the future of the built-up setting, and the future of the dwelling and habitat, through specific ways of continuing the city. They question the possible solutions in a transversal way, linking their philosophical issues to an analysis of the social landscape. Their work thus seems to be partly inspired by the issues raised by Deleuzian deterritorialization. At once inquisitive and resolute, they endow this research, at whose hub they put the inhabitant, with the forcefulness of experimenting with new communications techno-logies. For Philippe Grégoire and Claire Petetin, these are "the most interesting artefact insomuch as they represent one of the major signs of the identity of our contemporary society", but they are also one of the instruments in the growing rift between "favoured" urban places—favoured by being equipped and directly hooked into the development of society—and other "neglected" parts, on the fringes of society. So for the first time they are tackling a different line of thin-king about the constructed object with this Portable House project, which conjures up David Greene's "Living Pod", made within Archigram, just as much as that age-old tradition of the "Rollheimers" or "caravan people", from which Philippe Grégoire and Claire Petetin have drawn their inspiration. The portable house is conceived as a technological extension of the person and his senses : it puts people very close to the original isotropic space of the metropolis, nowadays transformed into an infinite host of spatially scattered micro-spaces. Philippe Grégoire and Claire Petetin thus capsize static and peren-nial geographical inscriptions by coming up with temporary shelters with many variable and ephemeral functions. The following year, in 1996, they set up the Time/Zone association, based in Paris. Here, new communications technologies are used to draw a real territory, usually in a state of crisis, closer to a virtual territory. The three "Second Time Zone" projects thus experiment with the urban, architectural and social possibilities of this linkage in order to redefine an existing territory suitable for unifying and creating new places of expression, rights and freedoms. With great coherence, Philippe Grégoire and Claire Petetin are working today on establishing their Portable House as a programming then development platform for the "STZT" programmes within the sites at St. Ouen, Pantin and Kobe.
A prototype of this Portable House is being constructed for the ICC exhibition in Tokyo.

gregoire & petetin


Second Time Zone Territories 02
Kobe on line - réhabilitation virtuelle
Île d'Ashiya, Kobe, Japon, 1999-2000

gregoire & petetin

The island of Ashiya cumulates several handicaps following the 1995 earthquake and the 1997 economic crisis in Asia. Furthermore this area currently houses refugees who live in complete isolation in the middle of a wasteland covering 9 ha, originally destined for a luxury harbour development. Against this backdrop of crisis and isolation Claire Petetin and Philippe Grégoire propose a project that analyses and understands the situation and its urban context. The environment is mutated to create an "object-tool" in the hands of the refugees. A creative agenda and a method of communication are deve-loped for the inhabitants of the island through an Internet site that replicates their real environment. The current reality of the land-townscape is modelled in 3D vrml and can be inhabited with "trace-objects" (texts, films, photographs), which will create a new environment. It can be modified by the inhabitant's aspirations, criticisms and their personal relationship to their surroundings. For the architects these "traces" could be transcribed to the real. Their personal input would allow the inha-bitants to re-appropriate their space in a completely different way ySecond Time Zone Territories 01



Second Time Zone Territories 01
Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône on line - Réhabilitation virtuelle
Quartier Chennevières, Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône, 1999-2000

gregoire & petetin

The series of STZT projects, developed in parallel ; aim to create a relationship between real spaces and their virtual duplicate by means of an Internet site. In Philippe Grégoire's and Claire Petetin's opinion the extension of space generated by the virtual offers the very real possibility to play with the boundaries and the perception of space by implanting virtual microcosms where imagined life and city interact and mix with reality.
Second TimeZoneTerritories is an experimental project with the objective to explore the characteristics of a habitat in crisis to generate a virtual, parallel space where the inhabitants can participate in the regeneration of their own environment. For Philippe Grégoire and Claire Petetin the issue is to rethink housing as a place of communication. It should play a central role in all social, cultural and economic development to generate and fertilise a new urbanity. STZT, in its first phase, is a tool for the inhabitants. They acquire the opportunity to produce, present and promote themselves in their very own context. Information will be continuously exchanged between virtual and real space, two poles of the same entity : the living memory of everyday life. The onsite reality of this project will be a micro IT laboratory, which will be set up in the centre of the area. It will act as a focus for the development of the programme for this project. Once it is clearly defined the project will "live" on an Internet site that will become a true exchange between the island and the exterior world : An active link with the objective to create new identity.


Maison Portable
"IGH-Matrice" / "Individual-Global-Home"
Berlin, 1996-2000

gregoire & petetin

gregoire & petetin

Inspired from observing an age-old tradition in Berlin, that of the Rollheimers, or "caravan people", Philippe Grégoire & Claire Petetin's Portable House is presented like a fleeting moment of emergence in the heart of the metropolis. It inhabits the surface, moves about on it, attaches itself to it, and is very akin to the household space of the domicile and the public place of the street. It is commensal-like. The challenge of the Grégoire & Petetin project is well served by this proximity and mobility : the praxis of an alternative space-time to that of the "gridded" metropolis on which the Portable House stands. It thus becomes a cut out, a micro-gap on the surface of the metropolis : a moment of paradoxical continuity. Grégoire & Petetin have designed it to be as similar to the body as possible, like an item of clothing, it becomes "clothing-inhabitable" : a technological and variable extension of this body. With an attentive eye on the various drifts of the strict demarcations of the metropolis, they thus look for the best-suited materials and instruments, those of sports and computers, in particular, so as to meet the desire to be exposed and protected by the filter of this new proximity.

gregoire & petetingregoire & petetin



Philippe Grégoire & Claire Petetin

Claire Petetin (1963)

1991 — Diplôme DPLG
1992 — Master, Ecole Polytechnique de Milan

Philippe Grégoire (1963)

1989 — Diplôme DPLG
1995 — Création de l'Agence à Paris
1996 — Création de TimeZone Association à Paris


gregoire & petetin

Enseignement Claire Petetin

2000/1998 — Ecole d'Architecture de Bretagne (assistante de Benoît Cornette)
1997 — Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-Villemin, workshop avec Philippe Grégoire.

Principaux projets et réalisations

2000 — "La Maison Portable" prototype en cours d'étude pour l'exposition ICC Tokyo 2000 ; "S.T.Z.T." : création du site internet :
1999 — "S.T.Z.T. 01" St Ouen-l'Aumône on line" : réhabilitation virtuelle du quartier de Chennevières par proposition de reconstitution du lien social (en cours) ; "S.T.Z.T. 02" Ashiya-Island on line" : réhabilitation virtuelle du quartier de Kobe pour les sinistrés du tremblement de terre de 1995 (en cours) ; "S.T.Z.T. 03" Pantin on line, réhabilitation virtuelle du quartier des Courtillières pour le désenclaver de son contexte (en cours)
1998 — U.F.R. Arts Paris VIII : création d'un site internet ; "IGH-1" "IGH-2" : "Individual-Global-Homes" : déclinaisons pour un habitat minimum
1996 — "IGH-Matrice" : "Individual-Global-Homes" : étude d'un habitat portable pour nouveaux nomades urbains à Berlin. Prototype + vidéofilm + reportage photos + interviews . Prix "L'Envers des Villes" AFAA-CDC

Expositions récentes

2000 — "S.T.Z.T. 03" Pantin on line" Festival de la citoyenneté, Ministère de la jeunesse et des sports, Maison de Quartier des Courtillères à Pantin
1999 — "E-Spaces " Purple Institute ; "S.T.Z.T." Biennale d'Art de Sao-Paulo (nov.), FIAC 99, Délégation aux Arts Plastiques (sept.), CAUE 92, architectures virtuelles (juin/sept.)
1998 — "Trans-architecture" : DEAF 98, Rotterdam, Dutch Electronic Art Festival lnterfacing ; Biennale d'Art Contemporain de Montréal (oct./nov.) et AEDES East Berlin (août) ; "Alternative Berlinoise" Montréal-200m3 (fév./avril) ; "Trans-Architecture 02" Arc-en-Rêve Bordeaux (janv.)
1997 — "Trans-Architecture 02" : Labo, Florence (déc.) ; Film+Arc, Graz (nov.) ; Columbia University, New York (oct.) et IFA, Paris (juin) ; "Trans-Architecture 01" Imagina Monaco (fév.)Bibliographie sélective de Philippe Grégoire & Claire Petetin
1999 — "Kobe" IN-EX 01 extra-ordinary, éditions In-Ex projects / Birkhaüser verlag, Bâle/Paris ; Techniques et Architectures n°443 et 445
1998 — "La Maison Portable" ICC-Intercommunication n°26, Japon ; "TransArchitectures" ICC-Intercommunication n°24 ; Intramuros n°76 (avril) ; Art Inter Actuel n°69, Québec ; Techniques et Architectures n°435, Ville et Architecture, sommet Franco-Japonais (13/14 nov.)
1997 — "Une valise pour Berlin" d'Architectures n°72 (fév.)
1996 — Pages Paysages Contacts n°6
1995 — "L'Envers des villes" d'Architectures (sept.)
1994 — "Europan III" Le Moniteur de l'Architecture n°54 (sept.)