IaN+ | Luca Galofaro (*1965) | Carmelo Baglivo (*1964) | Stefania Manna (*1969) |
INTERZONE There is a common matrix in the movement of culture, which at a certain point makes paint, music, dance move in the same form as the ones in which the sciences are moving. Einstein writes that in the new physics there is no place for matter, as the field (that is energy tensions) is the only reality and there is nothing else, nothing else to talk about. Architecture is a whole of energy fields connected to time, their organisation produces space. Some years ago during a lesson Dino Formaggio reasoned on the idea of architecture as the art of time trying to overcome the idea of architecture as the art of space. Usually the architectonic space has always been considered as a static space, static in it's being an object and container. At this point time enters as a mere control variable which encloses in its deeper meaning the conquest of movement, therefore space has to be conceived in a different way, as a structure in the process of becoming. The planning process has to be considered in it's essence, that is in transformation, tied to different parameters able to highlight the incessant and continuous metamorphosis, to indicate and underline this movement and these transformations; it enriches the architectonic product with new and unexpected qualities ; the substance is shown through deeper and rooted reasons ; life is again the main concern of the man who organises space ; the architect regains his role. To think of an architecture in movement is restrictive, it is the process which has to be considered in movement. The notion of time changes within us as has the concept of form, passing from the culture of being to the one of becoming. The form does not represent neither a starting point nor a finishing point, but a managing system ; the direction is to fix some parameters through which to prime a self producing dynamic, to introduce in the project elements capable to start the process. These elements are the activity zones : which represent the daily actions, and the fluxes : which point out the real and virtual movements between the activities, both are in tight correlation and able to shape the space. The different activities are separated, interconnected through the limits. Seen as crossing and meeting points, the limits circumscribe the field of action ; they are not lines defined by constant thickness but expand becoming exchange interzones. The interzone becomes the point of maximum visibility, of coagulum and concentration of experiences. Once these parameters are indicated it is necessary to regulate and organise them in the void, transforming the traces of movement into architectonic spaces.( )These invisible elements exist and are the true matrix of the buildings, of the cities and of the space surrounding us, all we have to do is find them and seize every passage so as to render them visible in the end. IaN+ |
Mies van der Rohe |
In this project, IaN+ used topological maps to analyze activities. They are not used to provide exact locations for singular activities divided into horizontal bands of use which correspond to separate floor plans. In fact, the diagrams indicate that the activity areas flow from level to level, as if the reference coordinates do not obey the force of gravity. This flowing vertical system, where one activity flows into another vertically as well as horizontally, in a non-specific indication of spatial activities is seen as a metaphor for working in a way that follows the fluidity of Miesian space. Our project is therefore a vertically developed building where all activities are distributed throughout the entire given space and expands in all directions. The building is a void that is filled with human activity. The void becomes the real substance of the dynamic space, in a dissolution of dialectial opposite. |
Luca Galofaro (1965) 1990
Diplôme d'Architecture, Université de Rome "La Sapienza"
Principaux projets et réalisations 2000
"Siège administratif de l'Agence Spatiale Italienne"
Rome (concours international) ; "Edifice pour la recherche scientifique"
Université de Rome "Tor Vergata" (en cours) ; "Quartier Résidentiel"
64 unités résidentielles, Rome (en cours)
Principales publications de IaN+ 2000
"Rem Koolhaas. Avant-pop architecture" Kappa Edition, Rome (à
paraître) ; "Eero Saarinen" éditions Bruno Zevi -Testo &
Immagine, section architecture (à paraître) ; "GSW Headquarter,
Berlin" L'industria delle Costruzioni n°341
Bibliographie récente 2000
"Vision d'avenir" Il Progetto n°6, Rome |