(I) maO, which was founded in Rome in 1996, sees architecture as a relational system. Much of its activity, which includes urban projects and shop renovations, is devoted to the Stalker Urban Art Laboratory, which often acts as its base of operations. For maO, "h-Ouse", is a vision of housing of the future rather than the future of housing. This project is linked with the phenomenon of deterritorialization, as brought on by globalization. In "h-Ouse", technologies and cultures are no longer associated with a specific place. New territories are produced, broken up and personalized, made up of unpredictable relationships between the local and the global. For maO, in the near future, we shall be living at the same time in thousands of different places. Each and every inhabitant will construct his/her own constellation of places, material and immaterial alike, thereby defining a large range of personal territories. Between clothing and the house, the "h-Ouse" is an ever changing interior landscape, with flexible spaces, where ceiling and walls have turned into inhabitable surfaces.
maO/emmeazero studio d'architettura
Avellino (Tommaso) (1966), Cavalli (Federico) (1966), Ciuffini (Massimo) (1966)
Di Tardo (Ketty) (1968), Iacovoni (Alberto) (1966), La Torre (Luca) (1964)
• h-Ouse